Low Carb Recipes

Low Carb Sauce Thickeners

Low Carb Sauce Thickeners
Here are a few suggestions to thicken your sauces:
1. Xanthan Gum: made from fiber so all the carbs can be deducted. Just a little (1/2 teasp. will thicken 1 cup).

Sprinkle on about 1/4 teasp at a time and whisk it in real well. It will thicken upon standing so do not overdo. can be found at local health food stores.

2. Guar Gum - Can be uses the same way as the xanthan , but it leaves a "slimy" taste on the food.

3. Expert Foods notStarch - Haven't had much success with this product, as it just didn't seem to thicken very well, but other people have had good results.

4. Soy Flour/Oat Flour - This works well in small quantities but it tends to be higher in carbs than the "gums." You can make a great white sauce by melting butter, stirring in soy or oat flour til it makes a paste, and adding light cream. If you only need 1/2 cup of sauce or so, this will work very well.

You can calculate the number of calories per serving.

(Carbohydrate grams x 4 calories) + (Protein grams x 4 calories) + (Fat grams x 9 calories) = Total Calories.

Example: Can of Beans shows 4 g carb (4x4=16) and 1 g protein (1x4=4). 16+4=20 calories per serving.

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